Bluey is an adorable animated series that has become a favorite among parents and kids. However, we have all wondered while we watch the show, what kind of dog is Bluey?
What Breed Is Bluey?
Bluey’s coloring and last name answer this question. Bluey is a bright blue pup with darker blue markings around her tail and eyes. Additionally, Bluey is part of the Heeler family. So, Bluey is a blue heeler. This breed is also known as an Australian cattle dog. All the members of Bluey’s family are also this breed, which is appropriate because the family lives in Australia.
What Are Blue Heelers Really Like?
Australian Heelers were originally bred to be herd dogs. Because of their past, they are smart, driven, loyal, playful, and active. However, they need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. The breed is fairly easy to train but can become destructive if they feel their needs are not met.
Blue heelers are medium sized dogs that can weigh between 35 to 50 pounds. They have a bluish-gray coat with tan, white, or gray markings.
Should I Adopt My Own Bluey?
If your child is begging for their own Bluey, there are a few things to consider before adding to the family. First, the breed needs lots of exercise and mental stimulation. So, they need plenty of time outside and don’t thrive in apartment living. Additionally, they are not the best if you have babies and toddlers in the house. Without proper training, they can chaise and nip at them.
But, if your kids are out of the baby stage, a blue heeler could be an excellent choice. If your family loves to be outside, go on walks or hikes and generally spend time outdoors, they will be a great fit! Additionally, they do not like to be left alone. So, if you are not able to always bring your pup with you when you leave the house, you may want to consider another breed.