Why is My Dog Chewing?
October 12, 2017

When you’ve got a dog that chews on your stuff, it can be very destructive. From the cables of your electronics to your favorite pair of shoes, some dogs just can’t seem to stay away from chewing important things. This habit can not only be annoying to you, but can also be dangerous to your dog and cost you money! While it can be difficult to get your dog to stop chewing, it is easier when you know the cause of their issue. Here are 5 reasons your dog may be getting into your stuff and chewing, and how to make them stop!

Puppy Habits

When dogs are young, they can’t resist putting everything in their mouth. They want to explore and learn about the world around them- which often means everything they interact with goes right in their mouth. If your dog is a puppy and they are chewing, you probably don’t need to worry. Dogs usually outgrow this habit as they get older. What you can do is make sure your things that they could chew on are out of reach. You also should work on training and your authority to keep them from having this habit later in life.


Do you notice your dog is only doing this annoying chewing when you’re out of the home? If so, the cause might be separation anxiety.  If this is the cause, you have to do a little more work to correct the issue. When you leave your house, make sure you’re not looking at, touching, or talking to your dog. This makes it easier for you to leave and will keep them feeling more calm. You should also try to have your dog well exercised before you leave so they are tired out and won’t have the energy to be anxious!

Lack of Entertainment

Many dogs start to chew on things out of pure boredom. If they haven’t exercised that day or don’t have the proper entertainment when you’re gone, they might turn to chewing as a source to get that energy out. Make sure you are leaving challenging toys for your dog to play with when you’re gone, including puzzle toys or hidden food toys. Also be sure that your dog is getting enough play time and you’re taking long, daily walks.

Natural Instinct

Dogs, purely by nature, enjoy chewing on things. It is a part of their blood and their background as an animal. The key is to give them items to chew so they don’t get into items that shouldn’t be chewed! Redirect the habit to other items, such as chew toys or bones. Whenever you do catch your dog chewing on a shoe or other inappropriate item, calmly correct your dog and give an alternative instead.

Nutritional or Physical Health

Sometimes your dog can be suffering from a nutritional deficiency, which can lead them to want to eat things that aren’t food (pica). There can also be other medical or physical issues that cause this. If you notice your dog suddenly doing this and aren’t sure what else it could be, it is worth asking your vet about.

The overall key to correcting your dog’s chewing is to be consistent. Consistency relates to body language, being calm, yet assertive, and having consistent exercise/eating routines. If you do these things, eventually you should correct the issue. Good luck!

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