Bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting and nerve racking time. There is so much information to learn about how to care for your new puppy. One part that can be tricking is learning what is normal for the age of your puppy. We’ve created a timeline for what is average when it comes to your dog’s teething. Teething in puppies is the same as human babies, where their baby teeth fall out. Here is what to expect along the way of your puppy’s growth and journey.
Weeks 2- 4
At this point, you probably will not have your puppy yet. They will be with their mother (and possibly a breeder.) Their baby teeth will start coming in and they will be nursing still.
Weeks 5- 6
By week 6, your puppy should have all of their baby teeth in, which is usually about 28 teeth. The breeder or facility your dog is at will start to ween them from their mother and your pup will start to eat soft puppy food.
Weeks 12- 16:
When your puppy is around this age, you will get to bring your dog home! The first thing you may find is crumb sized teeth around your home. Your puppy is beginning to shed their baby teeth and the permanent ones will start to emerge. Unfortunately, this process is painful. One way to help the pain is to give your dog puppy safe chew toys. This is also the time to start touching your dogs teeth with your hand (without getting nipped!) The goal of this is to try to get your dog to become comfortable with getting their teeth brushed. Be in contact with your vet to make sure everything teeth/mouth related is going well.
6 Months and Up
At 6 months, your puppy should have all of their adult teeth grown in. Adult dogs have about 42 teeth. If you do happen to still see any baby teeth, they may need to be removed by your vet, so be sure to tell them.
Healthy Dog Smile
There are many ways to keep your dog’s oral health in good condition. One is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. Because dogs don’t understand they can use their tongue to remove food from their teeth, they can often get bad breath or even serious medical problems. Brushing is super important in preventing this. Start off easy, just using a finger brush and water. Then try a real toothbrush and a toothpaste specially made for dogs. If you need something quickly, you can just mix baking soda and water to make a paste.
Overall, dog’s oral health and the teething process is very important for their growth. Keep updated with your vet to make sure you puppy is on the right track. Good luck!